Best Answer: I believe you need to get Feliway from a veterinarian. Bach flower rescue remedy can be bach rescue remedy spray ordered on the internet or found in natural foods .
Rescue Remedy by Bach Remedies a mix of five different remedies (Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem) reduce fear and nervousness in .
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We are Personalising Remedies. The Bach Original Flower Remedies are a wonderfully natural way of managing your emotions, being yourself, relaxed, fulfilled and natural.
Bach Flower Remedies Essences Rescue Remedy Spray Original Flower -- 0.7 fl oz - Natural Stress Relief Discreet Mouth Spray Fast Acting. Rescue Remedy Spray gives .
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Best Answer: I needed more than 2 sprays as well for the severe stress i was under. at least 3
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or 4 sprays everyday and sometimes even more than that .
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Original Bach Rescue Remedy, personal mixes, and consultations available for purchase in Canada. Bulk orders and free shipping available. Natural stress relief for .
Bach Rescue Remedy Natural Stress Relief Spray - User review: 5 stars. "Bach Rescue Remedy is a great natural alternative to the reducing of
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