Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary n. A sequence of economic activity typically characterized by recession, fiscal recovery, growth, and fiscal decline.
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Legal and Tax Issues for U.S. Small Business, including Employment definition small business issuer Law, Intellectual Property Law, Resolving Business Disputes, Types of Business, Starting a Business .
Algeria - Fran�ais; Argentina - Espa�ol; Australia - English; Belgi� - Nederlands; Belgique - Fran�ais; Bolivia - Espa�ol; Bosna i Hercegovina - Hrvatski
Term Definition; Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA - R15) Grant award stimulating research at health professional academic institutions with not more than .
Business intelligence (BI) mainly refers to computer -based techniques definition small business issuer used in identifying, extracting, and analyzing business data, such as sales revenue by products .
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Learn about small and medium business management from a university researcher and a lecturer who combines his academic world with a fieldwork as the CEO of .
Small business payrolls rise 55,000 in December Reuters. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Small businesses created 55,000 jobs in December and increased working hours for .
We have compiled frequently asked questions on various topics within the Small Business Administration. Please select the topic of your choice from the list below to .
Ethical Issues in Business In the past, various companies only thought that ethical issues in business are only a term used to define administrative rules and .
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Making a Solid Start Make sure your toolbox is packed with the right stuff. 10 Steps to a Business Plan A good plan has an executive summary, business and .
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