Think you're ready to buy a home? Get your house in order before you start shopping. Here's what you need to do, and when. By Liz Pulliam Weston of MSN Real Estate As lenders continue to tighten credit requirements, getting a good interest rate -- or a loan at all -- requires that you understand how the scoring system works. Looking for a credit score boost? Credit repair companies use promises of this quick fix to woo people with lousy credit, but it may not help you at all. - MSN Money . Credit-Consultation site get your credit advice and repair here NewCreditRules.com educates consumers about new credit rules and tips. If you claimed the credit for msn credit repair possible an eligible 2009 or 2010 purchase, you're likely in luck. If you claimed it for 2008, it could be going back. So you've had a few problems getting the msn credit repair possible bills paid lately, and you're wondering what you can do to repair the damage to your credit. You've got plenty of . It Americans young and old are flunking their finances, but money mastery isn't really that hard. Here are 9 simple keys you need to know.
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